Sunday School meets Sundays at 10:45am after morning worship services September through May.
This is Grace
Join us for an engaging discussion on "This Is Grace: Will We Walk in It?" by John D. Jakes.
Led by Ken Hoksbergen.
Meets in the Parlor.
Prerequisites: Eager to learn and discuss the topic of grace.
The Sermon on the Mount
Join us for a deep dive into the Sermon on the Mount, based on John Stott's insightful Bible study materials.
Led by Dennis Dingeman.
Meets at the south end of fellowship hall.
Prerequisites: Eager to learn and discuss the Gospel according to Jesus.
James: What You Do Matters
Join our women's Sunday school class as we explore the book of James together. Dive into its teachings and connect with other women in fellowship and discussion.
Led by Kathy De Vos & Shannan Duenwald
Meets at the north end of fellowship hall.
Prerequisites: Must be a woman high school age or older, eager to grow in your faith.